About GMI

Insurance Brokerage - Risk Advisory - Client Advocacy

G Media Insurance Services was established in Los Angeles during the year 2020 by Giovanni Lopez. Giovanni is a 20-year veteran of the entertainment insurance industry with previous tenures at AON, Marsh and DeWitt Stern. Over the span of two decades Giovanni developed versatile expertise for sourcing insurance solutions through exceptional industry relationships and vast resources. Specialty includes custom insurance programs for studios, ad agencies, advertisers and entertainers.

G Media Insurance was established to provide insurance guidance and solutions accessible to any person or company in the broadest spectrum of the creative entertainment and media industry. Entertainment and Media Insurance is a space limited to a modest list of specialty insurers accessible only through Entertainment Insurance Brokers. Although, many brokers limit who has access to their resources based on size of company or project of the potential policy holder. The mission for G Media Insurance is to remove any limit to access by offering the same insurance resources offered by any Fortune 500 entertainment brokerage to any potential policy holder irrespective of company or project size through G Media Insurance Services. The priority for G Media Insurance is customer service.

Whether it’s the first hour or 10,000 th hour in the game G Media Insurance wants the insurance part to be an optimal experience throughout. Our focus is to aide policy holders with making informed decisions related to risk and insurance.

Our vision is to serve as a welcoming and reliable source for insurance solutions for each generation of content creators in the creative community. To be fully accessible to any producer or company needing simple or complex insurance guidance. Talk to us about any idea, scene, company, show, event, film, series, pilot, stunt, VIP insurance, corporate need, commercial, photo shoot, web series, independent feature, micro budget, mega budget, owned equipment, office space, employees, locations, distribution. Overall we like to talk shop and to be of help.

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