Short Term Insurance

What is the cost of short term insurance?

Short term insurance is offered a-la-carte so the cost is determined by how much insurance you need and obtain.  More insurance, more premium.

There is limited availability for quality short-term production insurance.  Although limited, the offering is streamlined and practical to fulfill short term needs.  G Media Insurance is your broker and steward throughout the process with the specialty insurance company.  We can also talk about when it makes sense to consider annual insurance over short term insurance.

Are short term production insurance rates negotiable?

Unfortunately, No.  The short-term insurance rates are the bare minimum an insurer can consider charging for the amount of insurance it provides.  Short term insurance is actually an unattractive class of business for insurance companies which is why all but 1 or 2 insurers exist in this space.   G Media Insurance Services is NOT an insurance company.  We are an insurance  brokerage that serves as your steward to accessing insurance companies that specialize in Entertainment and Media.

What is the premium basis for Short Term Insurance?

Common examples of rating factors:  budget size (although anything up to the first $100K is considered 1 tier and so on), length of policy term, insurance limits/levels.

The rate consideration is the same for a production with a budget of $100 or $100,000. 

Roughly 5 day increments increases the premium.  1 day and 5 days of coverage is the same cost. 

Knowing the level(s) of insurance you need is important.  It is cheaper and less complicated to purchase $25,000 of equipment insurance than it is to purchase $1,000,000 of equipment insurance.  

$1M General Liability costs less than $5M General Liability. 

PRO-TIP:  check early and pro-actively the insurance requirements from any permits / locations / vendors.  Beware unique insurance requirements could impact your insurance premiums.

Hi G Media, I’m walking into a meeting in 5, can you just give me a Short-Term Insurance Quote ASAP without knowing anything about my production, experience or actual insurance needs?

No.  Every production is unique and has its own set of circumstances so we are ultra-careful about making any representations without qualified underwriting.  The production may need 1 or 20 policies to address all of its needs.  Generically we suggest budgeting no less than $800 – $1,1000 for a starting level of short-term insurance.  The premium will coincide with the levels of insurance you may need. 

What is the turn around time for short term insurance?

Usually 1 business day if the application is complete enough.  Any missing or vague information will delay the quote process.  Rush quotes are available. 

Once a production accepts the quote and pays for the insurance, the insurance is processed and available quickly.   

How do I obtain certificates of insurance (COIs) after we purchase the Short-Term Insurance?

Usually 1 business day if the application is complete enough.  Any missing or vague information will delay the quote process.  Rush quotes are available. 

Once a production accepts the quote and pays for the insurance, the insurance is processed and available quickly.   

Can I pause my insurance halfway through the policy term if I am not filming and re-activate when I’m ready?

No.  If you have a pause in your film schedule you must consider the start and end date for the insurance to include your entire film period.  Or you can purchase insurance separately for both halves of your film schedule. 

Production Insurance

What do I need to obtain a production insurance quote?

You will need to complete our production insurance application.  If your budget is $500K or above you will need to submit your budget, script, schedule and day out of days. 

Is Cast Coverage and Work Comp the same insurance?

No.  Not in any way.

Cast Coverage protects your film budget from extra expense incurred because of film delays related to key talent being unavailable due to illness or injury during principal photography.  Does not cover anybody’s person.

Work Comp protects the “Worker” for injuries that occur while performing their occupation. 

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